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From the time we were kids, my younger brother John always had my back.  We were typical 90s kids who grew up in that time before, during, and after 9/11.  America was never the same after that. After high school, I joined the United States Marine Corps with dreams of serving my country in the Global War on Terror and fighting for our freedom.  In 2006, I suffered a trauma while on deployment in Al Anbar Province (Iraq), and after coming home, I wasn't the same. 


Over the subsequent 10+ years, I was a mess.  Resources for veterans dealing with "combat stress" were lacking.  Trying to get help through the bureaucracy of the VA system felt impossible.  As I struggled to cope with intrusive thoughts, hypervigilance, insomnia, and depression; my life fell apart.  I destroyed relationships, burned bridges, contemplated suicide, and pushed so many good things/people in my life away.   


But my brother never quit on me.  John was there in my corner, encouraging me to keep going, to get help, go to counseling, take that medication, and get better.  He is my hero.  And now that I can look back on those destructive years with clarity, I want to give back.  Because as cliche as the saying "the struggle is real" may sound; PTSD can be an all-encompassing, gut-wrenching, mentally draining assault on your daily life.  I have been in the midst of that hell.  I have been fortunate enough to crawl out (with a LOT of support) and I want to help my brothers and sisters who are still struggling with this terrible disease.  These willing warriors and their families deserve to have someone supportive in their corner too.


Operation Ten Ten is a nonpolitical nonprofit organization rooted in the belief that we can affect positive change in the lives of US military veterans struggling with PTSD.  Primarily, through individualized trauma-informed counseling and mental health support.  Secondarily, through collaboration with other organizations supporting veterans' needs.  With a variety of ongoing projects and an active volunteer staff, we are committed to restoration.


We would be so very grateful for you to partner with us and join the operation! 


Much love,

Josh (USMC)


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